the fall of the queen...

so i had been telling you about this for so long and here they are finally! once again i apologise for taking forever to upload. i have been very busy with revision for exams which start next week (yikes wish me luck!) this is part one of a series that i did with swapnil gurung ages ago :) she came with the most beautiful white dress and was so great to shoot. i borrowed the beautiful headband from valinda didi. and yes the amazing mask! i had it for literally ages and i had planned to do use it for a long time but never really got around to use it so i was so happy to finally be able to use it. (ps: i am doing another shoot with different sets of masks very soon! *yay for spoilers* i havent found the face i am looking for (awww what a looser)) i had been editing one picture once in 2/3 days so it took me quite a while to get this lot done. i was actually planning to upload these after my exams finished so that by then i would have been able to edit the rest of the series as well so i could upload all of them together but i think the other parts have to wait, for now this is THE FALL OF THE QUEEN.

 once there was a queen, who was loved dearly by her people. her country was as beautiful as she was, and her reign had brought prosperity to the kingdom for everyone. but soon that came to an end. one day the queen found a mask, glossened with gold and pearl. she thought it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen and that only someone like her should wear it. little did she know that it was cursed, and she fell deeper and deeper in its magic.

she started to wear it everywhere she went and never took it off- it wasn't that she didn't want to, (because when she would wear it, she would feel all kinds of emotions that she was unfamiliar with- lust, greed, malice and she was afraid of what it was doing to her) she just couldn't.

it was as if the mask was part of her body now- it had possessed her very soul and her kingdom paid the price. her people used to be the first priority but now, she shut herself in the castle and refused to see anyone. she would spend all of her days on her own. she wasn't herself anymore. infact, all she was, was mad.

to be continued...


  1. omg, i didnt realise iv not been updated on ur page for a while, been busy but i liked the twins foto, it was nearly like two diff fotos of the same person. and that valinda one, i thought some professional took it, good going Gyan! really proud of u and the Swapnil fotos are really goood. nice narrative aswell.
    keep it up

  2. niiicee picctuuresss brruuv.!
    btw fb kina delete hanekoo.??

    dazzlign vampire here.:P
    takker ..:)

  3. i dont no wat i should like more the story or the photographs.....they go so well together..m in love
    awaiting the rest of it...

    gyan gdluck with ur exams =]

  4. extra ordinary cha hai bhanji pics ra story haru haha tc

  5. lex you havent missed out on much
    the photo of the twins was just a snapshot but glad you like it and this and the other one much appreciated :)

    hasayo cant even spell dazzling you looser lol thank you, chandi ma bhetda will tell you about fb and show you my awesome dancing skills everyone will be like wooooaaahhhh (lol)

    didi you were amazing that day! really thats why the pictures came out nice and yes thank you, will do my best :)

  6. oo. so ur coming chandii.??
    good goodd. k bho ra?? lau lau.
    dancing skills chai not sure haii.
    sabaii dhalchha holaa.

    safe gyaneeeyy.:)

  7. wow really nice concept @_@
    and the makeup really works well with this!
    keep it up(:

  8. kudoos swappuu!!!
    I <3ED IT.....
    aish d

  9. wow!! really a powerful shooting! she's gorgeus and the pictures just perfect! this is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!

  10. thank you everyone! this really means a looot to me :D

  11. how did u get the background like that??
    all blurry yet circley??\
