on monday i had this amazing experience! i know karuna gurung who is a photography student and she needed models for a project she was doing. so i got my friends to model for her and yes it was such a great time. we had all this lighting things which i had never seen before, it was quite heavy to carry though. everything looked so cool and wow to me especially the umbrella thing attached to the box and stuff. (pardon my lack of knowledge on the names) i had never done anything like that and the only light source i had ever used was well the sunlight, and although its just one small thing you might say but it was quite huge for me since i have never had any photography lesson or anything like that and even though i was aware of the equipments used for lets say magazine editorials but seeing something similar to that firsthand, was overwhelming. the picture above was taken by me. it was really exciting using nikon D300s (so much bigger than my canon 450D and the sigma lens was really heavy) and there were so many buttons i didn't know what they were for. this picture looked so much better in monochrome but i wanted to show the skin tone and the impact of the external light thing(?) :)
here are some other pictures i took (with the aid of the sunlight ofcourse :D)
and this one was taken by karuna didi. i feel like a proud father when i look at this picture :)