if you follow my facebook or twitter you will have known that i recently had an exhibition. it was alongside a bunch of other photographers, painters, illustrators, sculptors, musicians and fashion designers so it was very humbling and also exciting for me to find myself in company of so many other talented artists. i really enjoyed the whole experience and it was so great to have my pictures in an art gallery. thank you to everyone who came, it really meant a lot to me! i put up my pictures in the form of a little installation and had the description as a letter. i do apologise for the bad quality of the pictures. i did not have my camera with me so i had to resort to using my phone.
hey there stranger, we meet again :) i've been a massive lazy ass and haven't blogged in a long time! life has been pretty busy to say the least! i have been doing quite a bit of photography work too as i am currently working with a new magazine called 'Shades'. i had an editorial in its first issue which was out in july and i also shot the cover and the feature story for their 2nd issue which is due to be out in a few weeks time. i also shot the SS13 lookbook for 'Plush Cashmere' which was pretty sick, have a look at the pictures here :) i am also working with my university's newspaper and i have a section called 'Model of the Month' every issue which is super awesome since the picture gets a whole page to itself! i've had 4 out already and i will hopefully get around to uploading them and all of the other pictures i have taken in the past few months at some point. for now, here's a few pictures of sasha who i took pictures of in a beautiful autumn day for november's issue. hope you are all well :)